I had this idea of doing a sculpture with two faces, Jean Valjean and The Phantom.

I've only tried sculpting a few times with bad results, but after reading about "Super Sculpey" I thought that I'd give it a shot. Once I have an idea in my head, I really can't ignore it. So I went to my favourite store, Kreatima, and bought 450gr of flesh coloured Super Sculpey along with hobby colors. I started with The Phantom's face, and found it really hard to get the eyes right. It's one thing to paint on a paper, but this had to be in 3D! The eyelids were real killers. After the face I had to make the mask and shape it on without squeezing the face under it.
Once I'd done one face, the Valjean face was much easier. I had several pictures from different angles to help me complete the look. The beard is shaped by dabbing a sharp tool on the clay.
After finishing the two faces I put them together and hid the seam and Valjean got his hair. After that I started to shape his clothes through to roll out the clay into thin sheets. With some cutting and shaping they were spot on! Into the oven for a few minutes and he was ready to be painted.
When the head was finished I had to make a box for it, and the "Alter Ego Box" idea came along. I bought a plain white box and painted the lower part of the French flag colors to symbolize Valjean and the lid with the Phantom's black and white.
The 27'th of May he was handed over to his rightful owner, John Owen-Jones, after a fantastic performance in The Phantom of the Opera.
Check out a video he put on Twitwid