This is me and my art

I've been drawing and painting as long as I remember, but having a very talented father didn't boost my ego. I loved to sit and watch him do the big oil paintings inspired by the English and American country sides. 
Because he loved to paint with oil colors I always thought that I would too. Very early on I also tried to do that encouraged by him, and I thought that nature would be my theme. For some reason I didn't have the talent for either elements, so I thought that I'd never develop such talent as my dad's. Instead I joined a youth drama group and took dance lessons and I was quite sure that I would be an actor when I grew up.
In High School I chose Musical as major, and was convinced that I would end up as an musical artist. For some reason my fellow students wasn't as sure about what they wanted to do, so the whole class was quite messy. After a couple of weeks I decided to change my major to art. I think I did that because the art class seemed more serious. Even though I studied art for three years it's still only a hobby, but I learned which medium was the best one for me. We examined different mediums, but 
our teacher was mostly interested of learning us how to paint the human body. We often had nude models, and in the beginning I was against it.

Nude models

One of the many paintings I did with acrylic paint (very similar with oil color, but very fast drying) while I studied art in school. This nude model was the most desirable and most fun to have as a model. We had only a few minutes to complete the paintings and therefore they don't have detailed faces. (1997)

In the beginning I was against the nude models because I wanted to learn how to paint trees and water, naturally because I wanted to be as talented as my father. But for some reason I wasn't ment to paint nature, I was ment to paint people and faces.
My theatcher wanted me to try out watercolors, but I had never used that medium, so I told him that I didn't know how to use them. He said that he thought that I would love watercolors. At first they looked like a childs doodle.
In the end I was quite good, but after finishing school I gave it another shot, and from that day on I have developed my skills on my own. I also discovered pastel pencils that I use on my own kind of way. I found very helpful tools for that in London.

My first pastel pencil drawing

This fox hound was my first try with the pastel pencils, I wanted to focus on the face, so the body is blur. For the eyes and nose I used my tools, and the body is smuthered with my fingers and a brush. (2000)

Luckily my husband studied musical (in the same class I did) and loves musicals too, so as soon as we could we went to London. The first musical we saw was Les Misérables, and it has a special place in our hearts. In 2002 we went to see The Phantom of the Opera, and that's when my own talent really came off. I was so inspired by John Owen-Jones's voice that I had to make a Phantom painting.

The first Phantom

I didn't know anything about John Owen-Jones, other than he had a voice of an angel. I made this completely by heart with oil colors, but didn't think I did the Phantom any justice, so I found out more about the talented singer. Now we've seen him perform numerous times and I've made many many paintings based on his Phantom. (2002)

Thanks to John's Phantom, I've developed a skill I never thought I'd possess. There are other artists that inspires me very much too, such as Eric Clapton and Robert Cray. I hope that I'm not fully developed yet, there are still so much to learn. For some reason I've always been inspired by voices, and hopefully there will be many more voices to discover!
Copyright on all paintings belongs to the website owner Pia Sylvén.

If you wish to use any of the pictures please contact me on my e-mail